About Me

Hi! I am Ashfaque Khowaja, a first-year PhD student in the School of Design at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). My research interest is in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), mainly interactions using haptics.
I am currently working under the supervision of Prof. Seungwoo Je at the Immersive Design Group at SUSTech.
Find me on: Google Scholar ORCID Email CV
- PhD in Intelligent Manufacturing and Robotics, Southern University of Science and Technology (Enrolled in Sept 2024)
- Master of Engineering in Computer Science and Technology, Central South University, China (Sept 2021 - June 2024)
- Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Technology, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, China (Sept 2017 - June 2021)
- Khowaja, A., Zou, B., & Kui, X.Y. "Enhancing Cervical Cancer Diagnosis: Integrated Attention-Transformer System with Weakly Supervised Learning." Image and Vision Computing. IF: 4.2 (Accepted on 17th July 2024)
- Khowaja, A., Zou, B., & Kui, X.Y. "CerviNet: A Novel Approach for Pap-smear Images Analysis for Cervical Cancer Classification." International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISBRA) [CCF-C Conference] (Accepted on 10th May 2024)
- Talpur, D., Ali Raza, Khowaja, A. "DeepCervixNet: An Advanced Deep Learning Approach for Cervical Cancer Classification in Pap Smear Images." VAWKUM Transactions on Computer Sciences, 2024; 12(1), 136-148.
- Khowaja, A., Zou, B., & Kui, X.Y. "Cervix Visionator ELM: A Novel Approach to Early Detection of Cervical Cancer." 8th International Conference on Control, Robotics, and Cybernetics (CRC 2023).
- Talpur, D., Shaikh, S., Khowaja, A., Adnan, S., & Ghulam, A. "Accurate prediction of snare protein sequence using machine learning." Bioscience Research, 19, 1414–1422 (2022).
Online Courses and Certifications
- Google Data Analytics – Google, 2022
- Machine Learning Specialization – Stanford University, 2022
- Computer Vision Basics – The State University of New York, 2022
- Introduction to Data Science in Python – University of Michigan, 2022
- English | Proficient
- Chinese | Proficient | HSK 4
- Urdu | Native
- Sindhi | Native
- Hindi | Listening & Speaking